Tuesday 2 February 2016

Considerations for my Shark big Kahuna Project.

I am always unconfident and unsure as to how I should write an email for making a contact.
The one that I am currently struggling with, is contacting Andy Cornish, a global Shark Programme Leader for WWF.

My sharks project
  • Academic support. (is the book going to be educational)
  • Charity - could this be a part of a charity conservation campaign?
  • WWF are a potential partner, to create the book together.
  • Natural History Museum
  • Natural Science Museum - Visit these, contact them and ask questions. Research this way.
  • Welcome Trust - Do they have talks and seminars that this could be used in?
  • Tone of voice of images - too dry = boring, too playful = not taken seriously by all.
  • Will the book be interactive, Playful?
  • Discovery Center.
  • Educational and research teams at an Aquarium.
  • Could you create a supporting animation with info-graphics?
  • Arts Council Sites, Natural history museums Forums - for collaborations searches. 
  • Funding Streams - Charitable, Publishing Houses?
  • This could be the start of a series.

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