Tuesday 9 February 2016

Endangered Sea life - Research


endangered marine creatures, protected by CITE include:

To date, the Working Group has successfully lobbied for the listing of the great white shark, whale shark, basking shark, Napoleon wrasse and seahorses on CITES Appendix II.

Windward Environmental Center
1118 Maunawili Road
Kailua, HI 96734 USA


Endangered Fish Species

The human assault on the seas have left most fisheries hugely overfished, bottom communities turned to rubble, and most large old marine creatures gone.  The seas are very different from what they were even a decade ago, as a “tragedy of the ocean commons” plays out.
A single bluefin tuna can be auctioned for over a million dollars on Japan’s sushi fish exchanges. Because humans really do seem to think that they should eat some species at any price.

How to promote the conservation of them:

  • Money incentives
  • Ecosystem service provided by the species in hand. (Their importance in maintaining the structure of their ecosystems.)
  • Cultural value of the species.

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