Monday 1 February 2016

Etching - Whale Shark

For a bit of dun and to get my eye back in I used these old plates and draw out a couple of whale shark etches. I took down my shark book from the library and combined it with some other whale shark imagery, used this rough composition but mostly left the mark making decisions to the actual on to the plate drawing.

I printed one edition of each onto black paper with white ink. They worked a lot better than I was expecting. I always forget that whatever composition I come out with it will always be reversed, so the compositions didn't quite work. But there was some nice intricate line work, and textures. 

The things I learnt from printing white ink onto black paper where:

- Black shows tissue paper stuck too it.
-black paper shows fingerprints very obviously!
- too much black paper border overpowers feint/delicate pale drawing.

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