Wednesday 3 February 2016

WWF Green List

I think this is essentially what I am aiming to make, a book that can be certified onto the WWF Green list. (There doesn't seem to be any other shark books on there atm.)

I had a look to discover the price of this book, to see if it would be realistic to produce more expensive book on shark conservation/endangered sharks. This one is marketed at about £28. So it is more up market with regards to price range.

I tried to discover more about the content.

It appears very illustrated, with the main focus on the overall aesthetic of the book.

I actually have this book at home, I won it in a school competition for raising awareness on carbon footprints or something. I though I had submitted a poem to the writing section, but I somehow won the poster section lol. I think it had something to do with the clip art I put at the bottom of it. I felt a bit of a fraud but I had entered the right section and everything.

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