Wednesday 2 March 2016

Crispin Orthotics

Making braces and splints more exciting for patients.

- Not just insole and shoes, look at realigning the body.
- Diseases that effect young people, they spread and become debilitating.

Create patterns to apply to devices - can be multiple.

3 prizes £150, 2nd £100, £50. If general flare is liked then they want to use you as a go to designer. Also scope for further comissioning.

UNderstand company.

sharcomanarytooth (Can't spell.) Have to use hips and knees to get foot clearance - can't stand still.
Can be for torso, also various legs and arms. Try to make designs as generic as you can.

Very open to what they want, males females or mixed.


  • Fixed shape of splint. Shape is very important to functionality so can't be changed.
  • Silicone. (Material used)
  • Ankle picture can get distorted. pattern best, or small image maybe on front and higher up. Design around the shape of the limbs.
  • Plastic, designs tend to bleed into the material. Use fine black outline.
  • Onto stocking net, 
  • Plastic comes out of oven, then moulded whilst hot. Stretched/draped. Area of heel very distorted. Focus on back of calf section. 
  • Safer to go for pattern or print. Limb portrait. Heads square. Torso, Landscape.
  • Looks very different on the cast. Try not to get caught up in specific angles.
  • Targeting adult designs.
  • Thermoplastic - bleeds. Consider which 
  • Silicone mainly on lower limbs, uses fabric to print design - cotton, nylon lots of polyester. 
  • Plastic used elsewhere on the body.
  • Emailing maximum of 1MB.
  • Looks very different on the cast. Try not to get caught up in specific angles.
Very inexperienced at design as a company.
Inspiration boards:

'Old fashioned' traditional 0 still used metals and leathers. Nice authentic feel. Artisan, Artefact. - Make this cool and currant.

'Futuristic' Robotic, quite high tech, This is where company is moving towards.

Only company that can have this freedom of patterns in the industry. Consider what you would want if this was you.


(Send email's if stuck)

  • Jpeg.
  • Limb portrait. Heads square. Torso, Landscape.
  • No need for logo.
  • Find presentation in employability and enterprise on estudio.
  • A design that people are not ashamed of wearing.
Here is the actual Brief:

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