Tuesday 15 March 2016

Progress Tutorial - Patrick

Today's tutorial was exciting, Patrick suggested that I take my general information I have formulating about sharks and in particular the relationship that man and shark have, and aim towards making it into an interactive and illustrative educational exhibition scheme. In which I use the space at the deep to present all of my shark information in a fun and interactive way. I should look at making:
  • Information displays
  • Floor vinyl elements/guides
  • Mobiles
  • Diving type masks that participants might wear
  • Etc
I should act and ask individuals about it as if I were actually going to run it/propose it to The Deep, this means contacting people in Hull and at the Deep and asking for advice and information on how I might go about this. I should look at applying for funding perhaps with their arts/science/education council. 

To achieve this I will need to partner with experts on Sharks, so that I can be sure the information is sound and the content helpful and accurate. Such as the contact I found for the man leading a shark campaign for the WWF. 

This exhibition proposal could also be planned and adapted with the end of year degree show in mind. I could utilise the space that hangs down all three floors (maybe not infringing on graphics below). I should consider how I could make the most of that space as a bit of a 3D aquarium, already I have some ideas about how I could turn my drawings into prints and mobiles. 

Sharks are dangerous, but they are fantastic, well designed, important and endangered creatures that deserve and need our respect.

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