Monday 14 March 2016

Progress Crit - Peer Feedback

Comment on the breadth of initial ideas produced in response to the brief?

  • Done an extensive amount of initial drawing investigation. Also you've gathered quite a lot of facts and information about sharks. You have a focus and narrowed down to being about sharks.
  • Strong initial ideas
  • Start defining what it is you would like to get out of this. 
  • Whilst initial ideas are string, you seem to be unsure where to take the project. Perhaps make and response to the 'jaws' effect.
Comment on the scope and scale of the development of ideas in response to the brief?

  • Good development of ideas.
  • Lots of development work and great you got some first hand research visiting the Deep.
  • You've got a strong development here but can more be done? Maybe move out of your sketchbook like Emmanuel?
  • Start forming a focus of what it is you intend to produce? maybe begin working on bigger sheets and out of your sketchbook.
Comment on the visual quality of the development work.

  • Watercolours is definitely a strength of yours.
  • Excellent use of watercolours and inks.
  • Perhaps move away from watercolours and inks for a time, see what other media can create.
  • Invest in great quality watercolour paper sheets to work on. Maybe investigate other media and try some collage or something with your work. 
Comment on the effectiveness of the proposed resolution in response to the problem set.

  • You have already started on a lot of visual research which helps and contributes in getting an idea of what it is you would like to produce.
  • You seem a bit lost with idea resolution. Maybe this is due to differing input. Perhaps find a suitable idea and stick with it.
At the moment you don't have a definite plan for what your final resolution will be. So you do need to start having an idea so you can have a focus.

General Comment:
  • Really like your work atm, I think you need to define the projects purpose and end results though.
  • Lovely drawings. I particularly like the ones with movement of the shark (End of little green sketchbook) Though in contrast I love the shark in the back of the little black sketchbook. 

The feedback was helpful and clearly identified some areas of positives and things that need work:

overall positives :
  1. Good initial idea generation/project area - just need to refine it down into what sort of specific direction that would work best.
  2. Watercolours and expressive drawings are successful - keep pushing these.
  3. Good research, both first hand and general - should look for areas to narrow it down, and continue to refine it.
Areas needing attention:
  1. Needs focus
  2. I'm a clear plan for my final resolution - this is so that I can have a focus to guide me.
  3. I should move out of sketchbooks and get some more exciting/finished type artwork on the go.
This crit was helpful, especially in terms of seeing where everyone else is at with their projects - it provides a bit of a benchmark to see where I should be at, and gives ideas for where I could be taking this project - also in terms of scope and scale.

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