Sunday 24 November 2013

Line and Line & mark


Dipping a pencil into ink.

Fine point nib and ink drawings.

The swatch of colour is actually just bleeding through from the page before. I think that this delicate fine line work allows for intricacies that can describe rock surfaces in rather interesting ways.

A new media to test! Masking fluid. 

These next two images were drawn with a feather, which I find makes really interesting textural marks, that can often allow a sketch to feel that bit more expressive.

The Dark block of pen makes for an interesting contrast, and allows the creatures head to stand out much more than it did when it was simply sitting on a blank white page. I also think that this helps add a little depth to the piece, and links in nicely with they eye.

Line and mark:

The seal below was drawn simply with an H pencil, and I drew this as sometimes it is nice just to have a bit of practice at good quality reference image making. Just drawing and really enjoying it. I always feel that every time I come back to drawing with a hard pencil like this that my drawing improves just that little bit more each time.

Some more playful seals drawn again with feather and ink.

Using block washes of ink and making fluid to create some interesting marks.

A different approach again to line and mark making, these ones I find to be some of my more successful. I think the line work here suits the jittery, and delicate nature of small birds like this, it makes them feel a little bit more alive. 

Pencil and tipex creates really interesting textures.

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