Friday 1 November 2013

Visual Skills. Studio Brief one - Final Crits

Your Initial Brief

Developmental work:


Change from black on white paper to white on black paper, it conveys the idea of ghost far more effectively. 

Final resolution:

Final Resolution

Overall I am unhappy with my outcome for this brief, as I do not think that is a very strong piece. I feel this is particularly down the media and method I chose in which to make it. The letters and the image do not ingrate well, making the whole thing look clumsy and messy. I feel like with this outcome I became distracted and carried away with the aesthetics of the image, and the effectiveness of the media for the image I was trying to produce, and hence I have not satisfactorily answered the brief with this solution, as I feel it doesn't represent my partner particularly effectively. The original concept behind the ghost was that it summed up my partner, Joe's personality in a small way, as its the idea of ghost costume for fancy dress seemed so light hearted and amusing (and also very well suited to the laid back as far as making it goes) and by switching to this more loose application of chalk the media mostly conveyed the idea of a more real ghost, as opposed to the simple and comical fancy dress costume that I was really trying to convey.

Peer Feedback:

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