Monday 4 November 2013

Visual skills - Studio Brief 3; Final Crits

A Day in the Life of: Final Crits

Final Resolutions: (original)

I was reasonably happy with the concepts of this images, I not pleased with how they look. The drawing is rather poor, and the colour and media of them could be a lot more exciting. I originally decided to use pen and ink as I liked the clarity it afforded meaning I could put a little bit more detail into the images, particularly into the characters expressions, but the quality of drawing here lets that down.

I actually made a mistake when creating these resolutions, I got the format wrong on the landscape image, so I decided to re-do these.

Developmental Sketchbook Work: 


Peer Reviews:

I have found this particular feedback here helpful.

Areas Identified for improvement:
-Edges! I must learn to not be afraid of them. In some cases it was even made clear that it spoils the entire piece that I leave my drawing "floating" in the middle of my page with a little gap between end of drawing and edge of paper. Some of my work could actually look quite a lot stronger if only I were to make use of the potentially wonderful aid that edges can be to any composition, as draw to our attention in the workshop on monday.
-Make better use of colour and or collage, this can be looks so much of an improvement to sticking to using white paper and so then inevitably, a white background.

For The Future...
(How can I improve for the next time?)

-One technique that was pointed out to me and I think would be be a really effective way of combatting my fear of the edge is to draw out a secondary outline, on the outside of my existing frame of the size I am working to, and simply make sure I aim draw to draw out beyond my real frame, to the second, outer frame. This is a much less forced way of successfully completing my drawings to the edge of my frame.

Self evaluation form and points to work on for the future:

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