Friday 29 November 2013

Seat Three



  1. people are a lot more relaxed here
  2. There is no awkward tension when it comes to occupying spaces
  3. lots of people
  4. Its funny how people just don't tend to look up.
  5. I suppose they have quite limited focussed views on their days mostly.
  6. so much promotional deals
  7. its really confusing
  8. The drink we like today are a bit odd and a long way from what out ancestors enjoyed and had. 
  9. Coffee eg, its fuelled by addiction?


  1. tables have four legs here 
  2. gets more busy at 12
  3. we're creatures of habit


  1. what would the romans think of a place like this?
  2. was putting up the fairy lights a struggle?
  3. how did we ever amount to having so much advertising and promotion as we do now?
  4. People here mostly for pleasure? 
  5. Can people really notice them if you fix your eyes on them from up here?


  1. A lot of promotional leaflets (3 or 4)
  2. A lot of condiments
  3. mustard
  4. ketchup 
  5. salt
  6. pepper
  7. mayo
  8. salad cream 
  9. a coffe stirring spoon
  10. a sticker
  11. my receipt and change
  12. A paper promotional placemat

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