Sunday 17 November 2013

Visual Skills. Studio Brief Four - A matter of Opinion.

I used a light box and layout paper with my frames drawn onto that to sketch up these practice and experimental compositions. I then took these and edited them digitally using photoshop to create my final resolutions. One of the reasons my final resolutions are nearly always so bad is because when I come to taking my drawings from sketchbook to trying to make a finished piece, they automatically become more forced and inhibited, and lose a lot of their initial charm. Its proving to be a real problem for me and so I am constantly looking out for ways to help counteract it, and so this is a method which allows me to produce as many images to my set frame as I like, which takes the pressure off producing a perfect finished one. 

Final Resolution: 

'Complex Ideas produce Simple things'

  • Like the two more complicated science images juxtaposed with the simple blue sky
  • The more naive and rough feel to the sky image lends to its overall desired sense of Simplicity. 
  • Nice textures occurring in the clouds. 
  • Like the overlapping and build up of the images in the second eye Illustration.
  • I have tried (and although not all that clear) started using the edges of the frame, particularly in the sky image. (the top was deliberately left unfinished as the brush stokes lends to the overall effect of the image).
  • Used digital to finish my work, which is a first for me

  • Colours are not quite right, far too bright in first image which spoils the effect as they have become overpowering. 
  • Too much white space
  • Images not well situated in frame, appear to be 'floating'
  • Drawing quality not my best.
  • the first two could balance each other more, and work more effectively and visually work as a pair. 
  • I hoped to have them printed out more professionally onto better quality paper, and to a larger size. 

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