Thursday 16 January 2014

A Blog of Collections

The Collections

Due to the production limitations of my book format, I only have 16 available pages for my collections, so I plan to do one collection per page.

The collections:

I am keen to only focus on more lo-fi objects and things that people collect, which is really as a sort of comparison from my research, when I spent time in the courts and the library. Particularly being in the library really highlighted to me how humans find it incredibly important to document, collect, record and save information and things which are felt to be important.

and this reflected also /resonated with what I saw in the courts.

lo-fi collections is my way at looking and hinting at the human condition a little and their desire to collect and almost questioning what really is important to us. These objects are all ones that are found, not bought, they're a bit tactile and they have some degree of inherent value to their owners.

-Train Tickets
- Marbles
- Bottle Tops
- Old Ink Bottles
- String
-Wishbugs (Thistle Seeds)
- Seeds
-Jar of pumpkin seeds
-Odd socks
- Wrist bands

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