Monday 27 January 2014

Development of final Art works

With regards to my book, I do not want to include any text alongside the images explaining them in anyway, as I want the images to speak for themselves, and for the viewer/reader to interoperate and explore the book themselves, realising as they go, hopefully the books format will lend to this too.
Here is my first outcome of the bottle tops, they don't look quite right as they are still to dirty and fuzz, I think I will try to remove more of the paper texture and add another tracing paper layer of fine lining in a bid to improve it. 

I am relatively pleased with the colours and line work of this drawing, I was concerned it would not be proportional enough for a long time but i think with the colour this does not matter so much. I will try to align the colour with the line more though, its too squint to look effective just yet. 

I am relatively please with how these turned out, it is another great example of how using photoshop can make all the difference to an illustration, I doubt I would have achieved this clarity had I not been able to draw the marbles and the net separately and multiply them together on photoshop. 

I'm not too pleased with this however, the line work looks very basic and messy, but I think this will be helped out when it is reduced down, and I am struggling for time to be able to improve them so drastically. The background is very messy though. 

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