Friday 10 January 2014

Post Christmas Crits

 The Concertina Triangle

-Interesting design, that encourages interaction.
-Quirky and interesting shape that works with content that is not strongly narrative focused. 
-Concertina will suit artwork content.

-Due to the way it will have to be produced it will not be very big.
-Will be fidily and potentially complicated to produce. 

This, alongside my sketch books and a model of my proposed book design is what I presented for this crit review.

Here is some of my initial photoshop editing of artwork that is leading towards potential final images I shall produce for this book. I think currently it still requires a lot more editing, it does not integrate well onto the page, its too dark and has a very photographed appearance, which perhaps detracts from it as a drawing. I also find these too messy. I really like the effect of the rendered masking tape, but this approach as a whole requires much further refinement. 

Self Evaluation

Key Points of improvement identified from writing this:
-More drawing is required, need to establish exactly how my final images will be. 
-Further editing on photoshop/refinement of artwork in general. 
-Concept not clear to others.
-Work out a tile page or cover.

Plan of Action:
On the morning of this crit I went down to the digital print resource and enquired as the the feasibility of producing my book in this concertina triangle format. It is possible so long as the document its in is incredibly accurate, however to get a double sided print from an indesign document I am limited to a maximum paper size of A2, which means that my book will not be very big, however it is possible to print. I booked a printing date for the future. My next step is to get help setting up a supporting indesign document in order to piece it all together. 

Peer Feedback


Summarisation of Feedback:

-Confusion/in my sketchbook etc it is not very clear what the book is and is about. 
-Needs a title, this will make all the difference in clarifying the confusion as to what it is about. I think this shall probably be 'Collections', or something to a similar effect. 
-They really liked the book format proposal.
- I have illegible handwriting.
-Liked the masking tape collage approach to artwork.

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