Thursday 16 January 2014

Cereal Decisions

 Cereal - This collection was so fun (and tasty to draw) using layers of tracing paper and photoshop to alter them I developed quite a vast array of potential outcomes.

I like this one but the texture layre does not align, it looks to confusing and messy. 


I like this one, but the thick lines are very out of place with my other artworks. 

This one lacks to much texture. 


I really like the fine and narrow line. 

In the end however I actually opted for cornflakes without any line works, as I was pleased with how well the colour and texture layers came out so I chose to only use that as I felt it was that bit more different and interesting. 

Elastic band ball, its a bit messy and misaligned, it was a fiddle to draw, but I think it will still be effective once it has been reduced down. 

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