Tuesday 14 January 2014

Book Format

Concertina Triangle Book Format


I am concerned that my images and idea wouldn't quite work in a rectangular/more conventional book format. It doesn't quite have continuity, each page is something of a separate idea, they are simply united by the fact that they are all little collections. My concept does not have a narrative or work as a sequence, it is more of a set, a collection of collections if you will. So I think it is king to have a interesting, slightly more original format of book to work with my concept to really make the book as a whole a success.

After a few rough sketches onto little scrap mockups of rectangular shaped books my concerns were reinforced, the images of the collections on the pages I think would simply look too mismatched and be a real challenge for them all to compliment and balance each other compositionally. With a page turning more conventional book I think that a reader would be turning the pages looking for a progressive narrative to evolve, but my book is not a narrative, it is a series of collections, their order is irrelevant.


A first for me, but this was actually one of the first attempts at coming up with an alternative book that I had set out to for ideas for my more interesting book design, usually I never end up using my initial ideas. 

- dimensions? These will be limited by the paper length that I can use.  -too small, can i get paper - Long enough? This then of course leads to the question will this provide me with enough length to make the page sizes big enough to be practical.
- Not an easy to have sequential format (thats actually a benefit to me)
- How many pages can I have?
Will have to be A2.  Dimensions for that.

I like this book design, its fun to interactive with and a little bit innovative. Makes my content more interesting to explore. I hope that the book will be more engaging and dynamic this way. This way I also hope that it allows you to interpret each page and its drawing more individually, so that you can notice what is one each page more. Which will prove even more beneficial as the artwork will have to be so small anyway!


Here are the dimensions that this book can be if I print it on A2 paper. It will have to be double sided to achieve all 16 pages, and as I want to take two pages to be attached to the covers at either end, I am only left with 16 clear pages for my illustrated content.
With the help of a mind much far greater at calculating and producing than my own, I have it worked out how the book can optimise the paper limitations.
The page width will be 10cm
Page height will be 8.7cm
The whole book will be a length of 55cm which leaves a 2cm margin

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