Wednesday 12 November 2014

Contextual Animation References

Some Videos that I have found to be inspiring, and that I am looking at to develop along my ideas and what I think that I could achieve.


Pistache by Valérie Pirson:

  • Like the tracing paper and backlit/light box set up and look.
  • The cut shape jerky, erratic and fun movement of the characters, I find it adds to the delicate aesthetic of this particular piece, which is something that I lean towards creating with my own work.
  • The colours and tones blend well and once again compliment the concept and message of this video.
  • I like the mix of animation techniques, I find it clever and makes the animation more interesting and beautiful in its way.
  • I like the way the it seems to move across a seemingly still image, i.e. when it shows the periodic table. - I think I might be interested in trying to convey some information in this more erratic way too.
Mystery Music - Nicolas Mahler (2009)

I quite like this drawing as you go approach, and the simplistic aesthetic of the line, although the look of the lines themselves is perhaps a bit too clean cut for what I am interested in. Its a fun piece of animation though, it demonstrates of playful a tool it can be.

Birth to Nap, John Lane

Sketchy Draw line aesthetic, I particualry like the sense of movement, and to a clumsily portrayed degree here - charm.
Birth to Nap from John Lane on Vimeo.


I would like to try and create an animation that developed and was displayed across a book and its turning pages, so I looked up some examples for reference and to see ways in which it might be effective for my ideas.

Dog (2010) By Meghana Bisineer. 

The aesthetic and specific mood it creates of this isn't what I am quite aiming for, but this idea of having the frame for the animation as this 3D book with the pages turing as the sequence develops is one that I would quite like to achieve. I'm not a fan of the noise to this animation, but I suppose it lends to the dog digging more serious and sad aesthetic.

This is just quite cool but irrelevant really to what I am doing:

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