Tuesday 4 November 2014

Plan Proposals for Printend Pictures

Printed Pictures Project Proposal

I Intend to Produce:

A series of five - ten prints probably on paper (The quantity of these will be dependant on how long my chosen process will take), based on striking and humorous imagery from Terry Pratchett's book - 'Equal Rites'. I would like to if possible include the quotation below or alongside my images, so also some printed type work.

I have yet to complete my etching, mono printing and lino workshops, but once I feel that I have tried and explored these processes I will work with them. At the moment I think I would like to work on some mono printed backgrounds.

I intend to develop and experiment a lot, and this may inform my finished work.

The content will focus on:

  • Humour and satire.
  • Magic
  • Striking imagery, strange.

I will be aiming to communicate:

  • The humour and Satire in Terry Pratchett's work
  • Fun, strange and magical ideas and imagery.
  • Just a slightly different view of the world. 

To an audience of:

  • Fans of Terry Pratchett's work.
  • People with a sense of humour, or who enjoy strange or different imagery.
  • People who are interested in print, hopefully I can make work of an interesting enough or maybe even high enough standard that it might appeal.

Peer feedback and discussion on our individual proposals:

(which I have already added to/taken on board in places in my above proposal.)

Comments on the content of the proposed work:

  • It could give my work some more interesting focus to take my imagery or quotations all from the same book. (Perhaps this might even produce some sort of interesting narrative)

Comment on the proposed formats/products of the project proposal:

  • What are my thoughts on scale? Good to keep in mind that working to a larger scale can be a lot less fiddly.
  • For my format, I'm tempted to look into producing an arrangement of different sizes that call all work together as a set/interlink - but this could be far too complicated so I'm approaching this skeptically.

Comment on 3 strengths that you have identified:

  • Ambitious!
  • Have identified quite clear little moments. 
  • Humour is always a good theme to work with as 'you can forgive a bad drawing if its funny'.

Comment on three things that you feel need further clarification or consideration the proposal:

  • Typeface, or printed letter press. I shall research into what is possible and explore alternative options of how I might be able to include some text. There is laser cutting, Illustrator live trace, potentially mono printing and hopefully letter press.
  • Identify my quotations.
  • Consider the format, what size can I do a crazy layout and format? What would that even achieve? 

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