Tuesday 18 November 2014

Moving Pictures Peer Review Crit:

Moving Pictures Concept Review

My Typed up Peer Feed back:

Comment on the selection of themes, content, concepts, or messages (are they specific enough and are they appropriate to the selected author, texts or research)

  • Terry Pratchett Equal Rites
  • Explore/celebrating - need more focus.
  • capture humour
  • Interesting idea for and animation book concept
  • Existing proposal should be expanded upon after this crit.
Comment on the Visual concept of the proposal (are the decisions about aesthetics, media, colour, appropriate to the intended tone of voice, mood and or/concept)
  • Beginning to think about possible aesthetics hand drawn and cut out materials
  • Misogyny in heavily placed theme - try to keep this as an undercurrent theme
  • Evidence of Visual development on blog (needs more further developed work however too)

Comment on the clarity with which the audience or context has informed decisions relating to format, duration, media, and content.

  • Fans of Terry Pratchets work
  • Blog shows evidence of critical analysis of contextual references. Excellent.
  • Critical analysis of artists/work.
  • Good stuff!
Comment on the Extent to which the planning of time and resources has been effectively considered in order to enable the production of the proposed work in the time available. (Are the action plans and project management sheets specific with regards to workloads, deadlines and timescales)
  • Need to start story-boarding work to make more sense of the final piece
  • This has not been documented on my blog
Suggested action plan:

  • Look towards other more specific animators work, to help me gain some more useful clarity.
  • Story boarding/to make clear my proposal and content, to others and myself.

Here is my own Action plan that I took along to the crit:

  • Find some more truly inspirational (including still illustration) to help me discover my desired aesthetics. (Look in books and on specialist websites)
  • Draw out practices for what I want to precisely illustrate/communicate.
  • Re-read the book, identify out my moments and then illustrate them - or explore in my visual journal.
  • Ask and find out about how to produce this style of book animation format.
  • Complete all outstanding blog work and update.

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