Wednesday 19 November 2014

Story Boarding Difficutlies

After This Peer Review I was left feeling a bit helpless. I know I need to go and plan out and do lots of storyboarding to get my ideas down, but every single time I attempt this I draw lots of blanks and can't produce anything. So after speaking to my tutor about this and the way that my project is developing

I think that I will now make a series of 10 seconds of stings that advertise some of Terry Pratchett's stories. as before I was looking at creating the single sixty second one, but my tutor pointed out to be that this would make it more about my chosen author, and wouldn't really make sense just being based on this one book, I need to remember what I am making it for/have a clear idea. So I now aim to make some teaser stings advertising some of his stories, and these can perhaps be aimed at anyone who has never considered Terry Pratchett's stories before, and can hopefully be seen as a celebration of them to those of whom have. Once again I had forgotten to keep the brief in mind.

With regards to my difficulties in story boarding, my solution can be to work backwards, and show my story boarding development after I have created some imagery and animation. 

Creating my Animations:
Partly due to the nature of how I work, and also what I am trying to create, it may be able to work experimentally and let my work develop through experiment and simply making and creating. A good place to start can be to work from my sea life imagery which I am using as a bit of a reference to create magic imagery.

  • Of course, I need to have a clear plan of roughly what my story but most importantly my message and concept is.
  • And I will have to try a practice one of these very early on to see if this will work for me and lead to successful places, so that if it does just lead to chaos, irrelevance and nobody knowing whats going on or what I am trying to make it about I can go back to square one and get myself a clearer plan.

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