Tuesday 11 November 2014

Responsive - Identifying the Audience and Brief annalysis

Identifying the Audience

Who is the Audience?
  • Affluent 
  • comfortable income
  • 26-55 year olds.
  • Secure working families.
  • Disposable/semi disposable incomes.
  • People with Grandparents.
  • People who live further away from their grandparents.

Who should the Audience be?

  • Families (26-55year olds) with a comfortable + semi disposable income, that have grandparents. (it might seem silly to keep specifying that its aimed for people with grandparents, as technically everyone does have them, but there are those who don't. They could have passed away, although that doesn't necessarily eliminate the need for flowers, also there are people who perhaps have been given into care, and so have never known their grandparents or even parents, etc.)

Who could the Audience be?

  • Anyone who can afford slightly more premium brand flowers.

Why (could it be them)?

  • At the end of the day this is a product on the market available to anyone that has the money to pay for it.
  • It's not necessary to be rich to want to want to treat or surprise, or generally just be very nice to your grandparents.

What do they do?

  • Work, earn money.
  • Feel bad about not spending enough time with their grandparents. 
  • Shop
  • Spend time with their families
  • Pick kids up from school
  • Go out and about.

What do they buy?

  • Food
  • Clothes
  • Gifts for others
  • Newspapers
  • Books
  • Flowers
  • Tv's and other such beyond necessity goods.

What do they want to be?

  • A nice and good person/family member.
  • Happy
  • Comfortable
  • Content
  • A person that want's to make their grandparents feel remembered.

Brief Analysis

What are the five most important words?
  • Brand
  • Affluent
  • Flowers
  • Grandparents
  • Awareness
  • Quality
Five most important considerations?
  • Audience between 26-55 (age consideration)
  • Raising awareness (Their brand and grandparents)
  • Seen as Quality and flower experts
  • Must adhere to brand guidelines
  • Encompass Interfloras brand values
Five related Products to this brief?
  • High Quality flowers
  • An efficient delivery service
  • Leaflets
  • Posters 
  • Various media formats
  • Gifts

Five related places?

  • UK
  • Rural
  • Suburban (based segments)
  • Affluent Town
  • Home
  • Media outlets

Here is someone else's response to these questions with regards to my Brief:

Five Most Important Words:
  • Personal
  • Grandparents
  • Grateful
  • Wealth
  • Flowers
Related Products:
  • Cards
  • Chocolates
  • Balloons
  • Confetti
  • Wrapping paper
Related Places:
  • Wedding
  • Funeral
  • Dark
  • Fancy Restaurant
  • A vase
  • How to boost brand awareness?
  • How to reach out to young adults?
  • What format will it be in?
  • How to put a fresh spin on an old company?
  • How to aim it at wealthier People?

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