Tuesday 25 November 2014

Printed Pictures Project Proposal [Three]

BA (Hons) Illustration - Level 05
OUIL504 Illustration 1: Process & Production


A series of simple yet (hopefully) beautiful etchings, based on Terry Pratchett's Discworld novel, Equal Rites. They will be small, about 100mm x 100mm. Eight, although as etching is a time consuming process, it could only be six. 

They will be off interesting and important key imagery, motifs and symbols. These could be displayed in a special edition book, and are to celebrate Pratchett's book. 

Background/Considerations (Tone of voice/mood, audience/context, Form/Format. Colour/media etc.)

  • Detailed, interesting, refined.
  • Must convey sense of strange, and sense of humour and fantasy.
  • In sepia coloured ink for the etching, then selected areas can be hand rendered with watercolour.
  • It is aimed at Terry Pratchett lovers, but also with the hope of enticing new audiences, perhaps through a love of print.


  • A series of 8 100mm x 100mm etchings, that contain imagery that have the scope to be displayed in a special edition book.

Interim Deadlines
Have my final imagery ready for Monday 1st of December.
Have undergone some tests and know my background imagery/compositions by Friday the 5th of December.

All Printing to be completed a week before the final deadline.

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