Wednesday 12 November 2014


I made a series of experimental mono prints with a mix of gold and green ink, I used some scrim net to make them very textural, here are some of my results. Mono printing is such a fun process of built up layers. Its always good to practice.

This one is one of my favourites, the level of ink and whitespace is quite reasonably balances so its not too contrasting. It will be good to scan it in and use it as textures in photoshop.

I had a go at drawn line mono prints, but I had too much ink on my plate, an unrefined drawing tool, and most importantly - no clear plan as to what I am drawing, which is one of the most important things to do when printing. 

Rookie Error:

I wanted to quickly makes some hill shapes to use as a stencil and do some more quick monoprints, but I forgot about fundamental thing with stencils, that they print in the space you leave cut out, so my solid hill shapes obviously turned out white. Another reminder that print is a process that simply cannot be rushed.

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