Friday 28 November 2014

Project Proposals - Moving Pictures Final

My tutorial, and general progression with my work has suggested that my previous intended proposals for studio brief two, Moving Pictures, are just to complicated and frankly a bit mad. So what I am going to do is go for a much more simple and hopefully effective approach.

I am changing my idea quite thoroughly for this. Simplifying it right down so that it is achievable and manageable.

OUIL504 Illustration 1: Process & Production


I intend to produce ……
4 animated stings, advertising Terry Pratchett's Discworld Series.

The content will focus on (identify 3 specific themes, texts or concepts)

1. The characters from the Discworld. I will base one sting on four quite iconic characters from this series.

2. The humour's nature of these characters, and thus the series in general.

3. The magical, creative, and strange nature to it.

4. Celebrating the wonderfulness of the characters and the series.

I will be aiming to communicate (identify 3 specific messages, ideas, moods etc.)

1. The humour of this series.

2. The inventiveness of these characters, and thus a reflection of the Discworld.

3. The strange, magical and quite different tone of it.

To an audience of ….. (name 3 characteristics)

1. Younger people, perhaps even children - This might spark their interest.

2. Fan's and lovers of the Discworld and it's many iconic characters.

3. People who do not know about Terry Pratchett or the Discworld. 

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