Thursday 27 November 2014

Post Progress Surgery


  • Hand drawn approach, and going for an expressive drawing under camera, with a mix of drawn animation, could be successful and potentially my animation might not be a struggle after all - I should much sooner rather than later.
  • One big 60 second animation is a lot of work, and if I run out of time its could go 'horribly wrong'.
  • My alternative to this was to create a series of stings that advertise different books from the Discworld, but my concern is that this is a lot of extra research and work, and I have spent so much time now focusing on the one book Equal Rites.
  • So instead an answer is to produce a series of stings on key characters from the Discworld!
  • Producing a series of stings means that if I am struggling with it and or running out of time, then I will still have 'done enough to pass and answer the brief'. I wan't to make this clear that this is not what I am about, and do not plan or intend to have to treat this brief this way, but this was a very valid point mentioned by my tutor and I suppose the path to hell is paved with good intentions - lol that's too dramatic.
  • Using the stings of the characters is an approach that I think will allow me some more spontaneity and freedom which I think will benefit my approach to making and drawing them!
  • So I need to go and get under camera and base the projects future and direction the results of this. 

Printed Pictures

  • My work and plans for this seem okay so long as I keep pressing on and sticking to my personal deadlines.
  • If I am using colour then I need to illustrate for the colour.
  • My print doesn't necessarily have to be the size of my plate, it is the size of the paper that I print it on. 
  • I should also bear in mind where I might leave space for type for my images being proposed for a special edition book of the story.


  • My timescales are good. If I stick to them then really I could be okay and on track - but that's only if I stick to them. 
  • I wasn't sure about the sketchbook situation with regards to the three separate briefs and wether or not I had to separate them into new sketchbooks for marking. It suits me quite a lot to have all my drawing and research in the one book - so long as I clearly separate out and document this on my blog then it's okay fir me to work in this way!

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