Friday 13 May 2016

Biting GIF

I had a go at making a GIF, as I felt that my shark jaw mechanism image would really lend itself to this medium, plus it is a good way to make my work more interactive and exciting to exist in an educational exhibition.

I spent some time fiddling and tidying up the image, so that they would all slightly shift between frames to make the GIF more dynamic. I added the text in the top and even varied it from frame to frame so that it would also pulse.

I edited out out the white overspill as it didn't really add the extra contrast that I thought it would but just added more complication and unnecessary mess to the image.

The text didn't work half as well as I wanted it to, so I sped it up and that helped. I still find it more interesting with the moving text as opposed to static. Although perhaps I will try a version without text as maybe in this instance the text is detracting from the intricacy and detail of the jaws themselves. It does give it good context though. - and for it to exist in an educational setting this would be very relevant.

Here it is developed:

Its even more fast and furious and a bit of an eyesore to look at compared to the one above. Now I need to place it into a context for it to be functional and relevant.

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