Thursday 12 May 2016

Final Crit

Here was the feedback that I received. 

Overall things picked up from this was:

My blog is nearly there, I just need to make sure that I am clear about my final posts. That I am evaluating and expelling posts as I go along, and that I need to make my boards.

General points from the crit were to remember that the project report is the same thing as our evaluation, and that t shouldn't be much more than 700-1000 words. This is basically a way of visually explaining the highs and lows of the module, the successes and failures and also seeing how your practice is coming together in accordance with where you are now as a practitioner - as will be highlighted in your summative statement. Also to bring forward a final updated version of your statement of intent and explain and justify why changes in the project happened, what this lead to and the rational behind the new.

For making the boards I need to:
  • Make sure my work is neatly presented.
  • Use good quality images when it comes to making mock ups.
  • Clearly label and title boards so that it is clear which brief and project it is for.
  • A lot of what I need to include in these is already on my blog, I can just put it in neatly.

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