Tuesday 3 May 2016


 At the current moment my work is not heading in a very good direction, I do not have enough work and I do not have it well enough documented on the Blog. I am very behind for this stage in the module, I need to tidy up my briefs and finish them off. To start with I need to arrange my blog labels correctly. Remember to consider what purposes my final images ought to and will fulfil.

Here is my action plan for progressing forward:

1. War Horse, finish my existing work, and then take the final images and add them to promotional publishing campaigns. 

2. Stormzy, there isn't time to do any more - also need to finish blogging this. Big up that it is an exhibition. Apply my stormy image to a range of products to promote him and his brand.

3. Bloop, very detailedly blog this.

4. Secret 7, blog this and consider applying it to a broader picture.

5. Creatures, this one is nearly there, I solved it with the whale shark solution, mock all of these up onto a campaign for WWF, some can be little bookmarks, do others such as the whale shark on a large bill board.

6. Sea, this may need to be devaluated so that you can finish it in time for the deadline, it is too late for anymore research.

Attempt Crispin Orthotics.
Attempt book cover of A Clockwork Orange?
Quickly mock story board/book for Arctic Tern brief.
Can you resolve your abandoned bright futures brief?

I made this list to help me work through all of the other things and blog posts that I need to do in order to complete my briefs. 

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