Thursday 5 May 2016

YSP Anorak Drawing festival

  • This was new and great experience, worked long days with fellow creatives and children.
  • Children are very diverse, funny and inventive.
  • Some children can be too young to use scissors - not something I find myself thinking about, but interesting!
  • We helped Jenny, Anorak's events organiser to set up and run other things, so learnt a lot about Anorak as an establishment and got to know the people that work there much better - have lovely contacts now.
  • Inspiring children to draw wild things is fun, but it surprised me how many of them wanted to draw octopus. pi?
  • Learnt about proposing, organising and sourcing all of the materials. we had to plan everything even down to transport - in the end I drove my mums car down from Scotland so we could get about easer. 
  • We learnt that if you want everyone to be on time then tell them a time 20 minutes before at least lol. 
It has been a rewarding, diverse and enriching experience. We had to put a lot together to make this work, but due to our regular meetings and working away little and often this did not feel like a mammoth task. In the end we have been invited back to work with Cathy and Anorak magazine down at their next drawing imaginarium festival at D and AD festival London, where we will be staying in her house!

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