Wednesday 18 May 2016

Statement of Intent with final revisions

The text in blue shows my original Statement and the text in black shows the new one, and explains why certain alterations were made.


  • Failed info brief taught me the importance of reasonable constraints (and big K brief taught me how to be realistic about setting reasonable constraints.) Some briefs were simply too vague, and if they were competition ones then I should have applied my own constraints to it in order to try to get the most out of it.
  • I have achieved many of my aims, such as having finished articles in analogue based print,improved social media documentation of my work efforts, developing and improving ink based practice.
  • Zine helped me come to grasps with InDesign.
  • Some briefs, such as Arctic Tern were too high, and developed too late in the module. The nature of it was very similar in terms of scope to my initial Big Kahuna brief and my continuous Creatures brief, so in the end I decided that it wasn’t worth compromising the quality on any of my other work or on this in order to achieve this in time, especially when the same practices and skills were being developed and put into action by my other briefs.
  • The information brief failed as I aimed it to be a weekly thing but as I already had my creatures brief in place I found that I did not have the time, I also found that the initial constraints that I set myself for this were too vague, which also let this brief down. I am sad and disappointed with myself that I did not manage to push myself to achieve results from this brief, as it offered to develop parts of my practice which were proving successful towards the end of level 5 but sadly have not really managed to surface this year.

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