Tuesday 3 May 2016

Sea Brief

BA (Hons) Illustration - Level 06
OUIL603 Extended Practice

Sharks (Sea)

A pop up educational exhibition about evolution with sharks as the vessel and the specific example. Designed to exist in an aquarium, to educate more about the impressive process of evolution and the tool that it is. The undercurrent to this exhibition is to inspire people to see the beauty of these creatures, and to promote towards getting people aware and involved with the conservation of these creatures.

Tone of Voice

-Series of imagery and information to exist in the format of pop up exhibition.
-Free sanding pop up boards.
-Flyers, posters, Promotional material.
- Mobiles of Sharks. (To hang and occupy space in a 3d way.)
- Big images of shark illustration.



-Visitors to aquarium.
-Information and context pitched at intellect of intelligent 12 year old.
-General audience, for people who are not experts.

An Aquarium, this proposal will be modelled around The Deep in Hull, but it is designed to be versatile and portable to exist in many aquariums, museums, and especially schools.
Could be relevant to conservational information and ephemera.

Additional information/Considerations

Aim is to open people’s eyes and show they’re magnificent creatures.

Mandatory Requirements

Must be suitable and palatable for a young audience.
Information displayed must be scientifically accurate.

A proposed pop up exhibition with instructions for others to be able to run it without me directing.
Supporting ephemera to promote and accompany the exhibition.
Poster and flyer (of the pop up exhibition.)
1x fully mocked up educational pop up board of the exhibition.
Presentation Boards.

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