Saturday 7 May 2016


Here are some beautiful drawings by Gustav Klimpt that i found in a book from the library. I was inspired to start looking more closely at his work after a visit to Paris and seeing some beautiful Pablo Picasso and Kandinsky originals there. 

This module and especially with this brief I have identified a keen interest with in my work towards working in a reportage way. I started pushing this more in my sketchbooks. I enjoy the process and the results, although I still have a long way to go with it all. Here are some drawings I did of around Hull.

This one is a favourite, i saw a sign which seemed a bit of an oxymoron to the small gathering of elderly people standing and watching the pot plants.


I decided to contact Oiliver Kugler and Turk Evans. Both got back to me and I learnt some good information from both about this as a profession. Turk Evan's responses are blogged in a different post.

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