Tuesday 3 May 2016

Research - Crispin Orthotics

Here is the kind of surface that I will be working on. 

Here are some early sketchbook planning into my designing this, I wanted to test out the range of different types of pattern/texture that would look best. I felt that from my study on the right the ones with many different lines could be a bit of an eye sore, the contrast between the white page showing up too much. I feel that solid filling textures would leave a more harmonious and potentially a lot less garish response.

I collated together some paintings and textures I had made in response to making an interesting and wearable pattern. They are all very rough but there is potential for them to be cleaned up through photoshop.

Here are these textures developed into some potential finals.

The colours of the reds are very bright and I think too abrasive, the are bit like blood, or an injury which is a terrible thing to go on the exterior of prosthetics! I played with the colours and aimed for calming blues, with more muted pastel hues that could be happily worn by any gender. The varied patterns aim to be interesting and complex, in the sense that every time you look at them you might notice something different on the design, os that wearers do not get bored or find it stale too quickly.

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