Wednesday 4 May 2016

Development of Shark Drawings

All along with this project since at least the end of January I have been keeping a steady visual practice for this module. I have drawn a lot of sharks, some good some bad etc etc. I think that although my  focus with this brief is now to create a proposal and campaign for a pop up exhibition on sharks, it is important that I culminate all of this visual investigation and research into an outlet to round of my development of shark drawing - at this point at least, there will always be scope for improvement.

Here is a concise version of just some of my developing shark drawings over this time:

Eval of these sketchbook results:
  • Drawings had two elements and approaches to drawing: 1= analytical, 2 = very gestural or ink based. For my finals I strive to combine the both of these.
  • I don't even feel that I am halfway in terms of my refinement of drawing sharks and achieving peak and maximum potential drawing of them, but this is good as it is good to be able  
  • I am happy with the progress I made and feel it is directly relevant to my current every improving practice and way of image making - a lot of which stemmed through COP.

Here is some examples of work that I like to look at, just for my own pleasure, and that I think would be very relevant as the type of illustrations that I actually might want to create for this project - as I want them to be for an education, artistic-scientific purpose - inspiring and educating about sharks.

here is a list of some of the key points of my practice which I find are present in some of my more successful drawings and images. Writing these down will help me to identify what kind of approach to making my final images I should go for:
  • Simplicity
  • Textural
  • Gestural
  • Beautiful
  • Analytical
  • Handwriting
  • Purposeful/content driven.

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