Tuesday 3 May 2016

Emperor Penguin

 I chose to base this weeks creatures on penguin, chiefly the Emperor Penguin as it was World Penguin Day recently. 

Which lots of other illustrators and sites that I follow on various sites such as integral and twitter got on board with:


Her work is always beautiful, I like they way she's incorporated such freedom of line - I really ought to have a go like this. Any irregularly in the line doesn't make it look like a squint drawing, but instead adds to the overall sense of movement and expressiveness - this is achieved and reinforced by her drawing not just one but many.
Andrew Lyons

Through looking into this further and seeing what other people were producing for it I also came across this guy, http://www.lyonsa.com/the-old-man-and-the-sea, Andrew Lyons, who has some quite lovely and reasonably well composed work. He manages to convey sensitivity and tenderness through his work in a clean and designed way (aesthetically). This is something that I often stove for with my work so I'm bald I found him, to is good to look at others work and see how they achieve this but in different ways. It's often hard t imagine sun a digital image being capable of such emotion.

Here are my penguin drawings:

Below is a finalised and more resolved one which I produced quite quickly and at a different time as a result from my practice above. I struggle with the penguin form, and especially uniting it's different colours to create the perfect balanced form. Below however I do think I am managed to succeed a little, I didn't feel that way at first but once i had stepped away from my work for  time I think I can say that the below is a successful resolve. 

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