Tuesday 10 May 2016

Development of Final Shark Drawings

This image isn't working, its too complex and the overall result is generally quite messy.

I printed these out several time during the process of creating them, these can be found in my final submission folder - they helped in terms of seeing which colours are successful especially when it comes to background, and also in terms of testing quality.


  • Not enough composing.
  • Details and writing is getting lost at smaller scale.
  • Some too complex and losing gestural success and charm.

  • The inclusion of my handwriting/text is successful, in both an aesthetic sense  and gives all of these drawings a functional purpose, which fulfils my aims (of creating educational, engaging, scientific-esque illustrations).
  • Decided to aim to print them at a bigger scale, perhaps A2 - this will allow my handwriting to be legible but without having to compromise the initial quality and immediacy of it.
  • Addition of more text will help to give the drawings more purpose and even balance on the page.
  • I spent some time reducing some of the line work on photoshop, so that the simple, big gestural feeling of the mark making isn't lost.

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