Monday 16 May 2016

Printing Finals

These are the images that I took forward to digitally print. 

- overall I am happy with the core drawings, and am please with the way that they resolve my practice a little. However I am unhappy with the way that they are not super strong compositions. In a final print context like this one the composition element is very important as they are designed to be successful standalone images that work as a set, in the context of an exhibit this becomes less crucial as they would be supported by a small body of descriptive and educational text. So I am happy perhaps with the quality of the images at the point in time that they are at now, i.e. for the time that I have been working on them (but believe there is scope for a vest quantity of development yet). I am less happy with the look of these prints and how they can work as a set. For starters the imagery is not all perfectly cohesive with each other, while I think the overall aesthetic is reasonably strong I do not feel that all these images are well enough planned to work together as one strong unit. (Which admittedly isn't their total aim, but it is still important to achieve.) I am also concerned that I only have 9 final prints and that it would be more standard and appropriate to have 10. They work well as 9 in the sense that they can sit together in a composition like this:

Write about them in their different functional sets.

I had also produced these two print designs as well, but I decided not to take them to print as they were silly not of the same quality as the others. They can hopefully be improved, but at the moment I find them too messy - the charm of the others with the simple textures and delicate line work gets over crowded in this image of a badly represented Blacktip Reef Shark.

This second image didn't have as far to go in term of being developed to a higher standard, but in terms of these prints I felt that this one didn't fit in so well, the others are all a bit more anatomy focused. It is still good I made this image as it is relevant towards the pop up exhibition being proposed.

Blog idea for sea wrap end presentation of them

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