Tuesday 3 May 2016

Success with Endangered Birds

My post on my tumblr got picked up by this site here which focus on Endangered Species. It made me think more about how this could pose as a niche in which some of my wildlife Illustration could exist. I think I will keep drawing and documenting these endangered creatures, and also importantly is the labelling them on my blog. If I hadn't written about this bird and explained that I drew it because it is the most endangered bird then it would not have been discovered by this other site and become more popular (for me lol.)

I will try and make the most of this by posting other drawings that I have and make both now and in the future with appropriate labels, or just as simple as including the creatures latin name and the level of vulnerability. 

Here is me doing it with my recent penguin post:

I also plan on doing the same thing with my frog creatures drawings, but these need some editing first as they are more half finished:

To ensure that I am accurate about this I can source it from the IUCN data.

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