Thursday 19 May 2016

Summative Statement

This module I aimed to push by myself towards betterment, with an end aim of achieving work I can proudly have to my name. I took on a diverse range of briefs in order to do my best at realising this. Some of the briefs have improved my image-making abilities and particularly my drawing, briefs such as 'Creatures' (SB4)  and my big Shark project (SB7). Other briefs have helped me learn new skills, or identify holes in my skill set, and have given me things to improve upon, such as is reflected in my project Report.

I really applied my research to achieve more informed finished prints. Such as my shark prints culminate my pursuit of beautiful illustrated sharks, but with an educational, scientific lens. I have pushed work that is very true to my interests and aspirations as an illustrator. My interest and research has lead me to making contacts, and getting first-hand reference material - which I now find invaluable within my practice. It leads to much higher quality drawings and informed work, which I would like to be a focus of my practice.

My shark drawings are a reflection of all the contextual,  first and second hand based data I have gathered for this module. I've learnt much from studying practitioners such as Sarah Maycock, and especially my work for COP in terms of how ink drawings can be pushed to achieve optimum expressiveness and refinement. If nothing else, with all of the combined visual research and exploration I have done towards image making, I have become far better at drawing this year.

I have learnt that simplicity is a good answer when stuck. Any time spent properly drawing is seldom time wasted. If nothing else this year, I definitely feel that my drawing has improved a lot. My practice is still unfolding and refining itself, but finally I am getting an ever clearer sense of the direction that is, I am interested in Wildlife and Reportage Illustration, and thanks to the work I have produced across this module I have a portfolio of work to take forward to support this. 

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