Monday 16 May 2016

SB2 Final Boards

This project was really one to get me going at the start of Level 6. It was a challenging one to my self, as I could not screen print or draw portraits very well. I decided to combine both in response to the opportunity brief that came along and allowed a number of us to hang work at Travelling man. The colour constraints were fun to work around, and I feel that this brief has at least taught me some valuable lessons in screen printing and serious developed image making - I had to problem solve a lot and practice drawing many faces before I could reach an image that I thought worth of taking forward to screen print. Again with the constraints of the colour I very much enjoyed working around these, and feel that it pushed me to make the most of screen printing layering colours. My final print was a 2 separation A2 paper based print. However this was of course not a very big brief, so I had a go at applying this imagery to some products. It was good practice for me to make and design around the different possibilities of products, and considering how illustration needs to be adapted for the different print mediums that these different products afford. Initially I had very good momentum with this project in order to get it into the exhibition opening night on time, but I feel I let this trail off later in the year when I started to spend all my time working on COP.

I did recieve positive feedback for this work, and I was pleased with producing it, however I think that as a finished print it is weak. The composition could be far more dynamic - the text should be bolder and work more cohesively with the drawing. It would have been interesting to see how this could have turned out on a series of different coloured, and darker stocks. I also think that I should have tried harder to make this into a series of screen prints, as this would have given me the chance to develop so much further in screen printing and portraiture. So while the artwork leaves a lot of room for improvement, and I am disappointed with my performance later on in this module - I could have gotten a lot more from this brief, I am still very glad for what I have done as I learnt some useful and valuable skills from it, and it did help get me image making at the start of the year.

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