Friday 13 May 2016

Final Creatures SB4 Boards

This was a one-a-week type brief taken and applied to a range of outlets where these drawings of animals can exist as a  simple campaign for WWF. 

The images do not all work as a cohesive body, not my strongest work. But it has been a fantastic project to keep my drawing practice ticking over, and has actually helped to build up some of my portfolio. It has given me the outlet to produce work even when I have been stuck with all my other illustrations and projects, and if I've learnt little else throughout my time here its that any time spent drawing properly is rarely time wasted. This is a brief which stemmed from initially taking on the Inktober challenge in October, where one attempts a new ink drawing everyday. That was a really great thing for me to have done as it got me going and got me making good and bad drawings. As a lady on a train told me over the summer, it is so important to draw everyday as the improvements will be extensive and you'd regret it if not. 

So overall I think a lot of this need improving vastly. The simple application of text is functional and I think headed down an appropriate and sensible track but it doesn't look that good, in the future I should seek more help from a graphic designer. This has been a good brief that has gradually kept me working on and improving my practice, as I referenced in my PPP presentation I had to practice a lot when it came to drawing some of these creatures. I am happy that I went along with this as I have enjoyed it, and thats always important to.

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